Advanced browser-based transcription and annotation software

The Shin Tôto Saijiki

By Koray Birenheide B.A., 2021

As part of a MA course hosted by Prof. Dr. Michael Kinski during the winter term 2017/18, students conducted research on old picture maps (ezu) of Edo and Kyôto. Using the experience gained during this course, Koray Birenheide completed a term paper called "Shin Tôto Saijiki - Creating a digitally augmented Edo ezu showing the annual events and shrine visits of Saitô Gesshin during the Edo Period" in 2020, which was accompanied by this digitally enhanced map utilizing DemiScript software.

Go to project site.

The On Edo Ezu goes Digital

By Prof. Dr. Michael Kinski

The Digital On Edo ezu 御江戸絵図 was a research project involving the On Edo ezu of the ARC digital archives. Bachelor and master students of the Goethe University Japanology were to locate an assorted set of famous places on the map and attach brief articles and woodblockprints created by Utagawa Hiroshige from the ARC digital archives to these points on the map using DemiScript software. Beginning in 2017, DemiScript was developed under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Michael Kinski to facilitate the transcription and annotation of Edo period woodblock prints with digitally enhanced methods.

Go to project site.

The DemiScript software was created by Koray Birenheide for the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main Japanology department under a MIT License.
Active development of DemiScript ends September 2022. If you would like to commission additional features or a custom website for your DemiScript project, please contact Kentai92[at]