Advanced browser-based transcription and annotation software

Development on the DemiScript software began in early 2017 and its planned and implemented features as a IIIF-viewer and transcription/annotation tool were outlined in the Bachelor thesis The Digital Edo Bunko (Birenheide 2018). Since then, its development as a DH tool for transcribing and annotating Japanese woodblock prints has continued and the software was further enhanced for the digital augmentation of pictures and maps for the Ritsumeikan University Arts Research Center funded project: Edo Period Map goes Digital (2020-21).

Originally, DemiScript was developed to augment the digitization of the Edo bunko collection of over Edo period 100 woodblock prints. The illustration-rich prints with wood-carved handwriting required special considerations when designing transcription software, thus the ability to transcribe directly onto the documents and demarcate areas with colored polygons were prime factors during development.

The DemiScript software was created by Koray Birenheide for the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main Japanology department under a MIT License.
Active development of DemiScript ends September 2022. If you would like to commission additional features or a custom website for your DemiScript project, please contact Kentai92[at]